Declaration from CCC-YES Convention: Combined effort of all can curb corruption

Dhaka, 02 June 2012: The two-day long national convention of the Committees of Concerned Citizens(CCC) and Youth Engagement and Support (YES) ended here today with a call for emphasizingcombined efforts of the government, political leaders, civil society and all to strengthen anti-corruptionmovement for establishing dreams of independence, democracy, good governance and human rights.

Organized by Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), more than two thousand young activistsgathered from Dhaka and 45 locations of the country in today's YES convention, held at BangabandhuInternational Conference Centre. The day began with the national anthem and a choreographypresentation of TIB's theme song. Today's Convention was dedicated to the memory of TIB's two formerChair of the Board of Trustees: Samson H. Chowdhury and Professor Muzaffer Ahmad. A message fromDr. Hugutte Labelle, Chair, Transparency International, was read out.

In the panel discussion on "Youth in the anti-corruption movement: achievements, challenges andpossibilities", Chair of TIB Trustee Board Advocate Sultana Kamal, Secretary General Selina Hossain,Treasurer and Editor of the Daily Star Mahfuz Anam and Professor Abdullah Abu Sayeed participated.Moderated by TIB Executive Director Dr. Iftekharuzzaman, the panelists emphasized on active and braverole of the youth in creating a corruption-free Bangladesh. In the discussion, Advocate Sultana Kamalurged upon the youth to play a brave role from respective positions. Selina Hossain urged the youth toplay effective role in curbing corruption emphasizing by equipping themselves with good education andempowered with the moral strength. Criticizing the recent anti-human rights role of the police forces,Prof. Abdulllah Abu Sayeed called for increasing punishment for breaching laws by the members of thelaws by the members of the law enforcing agencies. Labeling corruption as 'Cancer', Mahfuz Anam urgedthe youth to be more organized to save the country from the menace of corruption.

A declaration was read out at the end of today's Convention. Expressing grave concern at the rise ofcorruption due to absence of political will, the convention stressed on building institutional capacity ofAnti-Corruption Commission for preventing corruption. It also demanded to set up a separate judicialbench for speedy disposal of corruption cases.

It strongly urged to complete the trail of the war criminals by ensuring effective judicial process andrising above the bi-partisan politics prevailing in the country.

Demanding full implementation of the independence of Judiciary, the Convention expressed graveconcern about recent incidences of violation of human rights situation in the country.

Expressing concern at the recent torture of media men by the police, the convention strongly urged thegovernment to ensure the freedom of the media in country. The Convention laid greater emphasize onreaching a political consensus through dialogue on all contentions issue for establishing a just, good-governedand democratic Bangladesh. At the same time, it demanded constitutional recognition offundamental rights of all indigenous, physically challenged and deprived people.

The convention demanded transparent and effective investigations into allegations of corruption in PadmaBridge by World Bank, Railway appointment process, and alleged transactions in the appointmentprocess of the government job.

The Convention also demanded ensuring transparency and accountability in the procurement processes inregard to the use of Sundarbans, and often protected forests, land resources and all natural resourcesincluding oil and gas sector.

For establishing good governance the Convention laid special emphasize in establishing an administrationfree from political influence, enactment of Civil Service Act, establishing accountable local governmentand stringent enforcement of existing laws without being politically motivated.

Drawing attention of the government about its due role in establishing free flow of information andpeople's right to information, the convention emphasized on effective implementation of the Right toInformation Act.

Criticizing government's failure to control black money in economy, the Convention urged for effectivesteps to reduce influence of business syndicates for reducing prices of essentials. It also demandedprotecting interests of the small investors in the capital market and criticized the failures in curbingcontrol of tenders, extortion and destruction of environment under political patronage. Expressing concernat the deteriorating conditions of roads and highways, the convention urged to ensure transparency andaccountability in the communication sector.

Demanding greater participation of women in the national budget and formulation of developmentprojects, the convention called for effective measures in expediting the process of empowering Women inthe country.

In addition, the convention also demanded ensuring transparency and accountability in all fund and alsothose projects created_at to tackle climate change.

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