TIB maintains and practices a policy of proactive disclosure of all information of public interest related to its work. In addition, as per the Right to Information Act 2009 we will be uploading further information on this site regarding any decisions taken, programmes and activity executed or proposed. Notification will also be posted on any important policies and/or important decisions that are taken by Transparency International Bangladesh. Such information is already available at our office for public access.
For a copy of such information please contact our information officers (details below). For any further information citizens are cordially requested to submit their request in writing or via fax or email. By law a request must include:
- Citizen's name, address, fax and email (if applicable)
- Correct and clear description of information sought
- Any other useful and related information that might help in locating the requested information
- Description of the form of access, namely by inspecting, taking photocopies, taking notes or any other approved method.
Citizens will not be required to pay any sum for simply inspecting information. However citizens who wish to make copies may have to pay the cost of creating copies.
Designated Officer/ Alternative Designated Officer of TIB charged with this responsibility of providing information to members of the public on request is:
Designated Officer
Yasmin Ara
Assistant Coordinator-Civic Engagement
Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB)
Cell: 01714092823
E-mail: DOtib@ti-bangladesh.org
Alternative Designated Officer
Md. Hozzatul Islam
Deputy Coordinator-Civic Engagement
Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB)
Cell: 01787673322
E-mail: ADOtib@ti-bangladesh.org
তথ্যপ্রাপ্তির আবেদনের মাধ্যমে প্রদানকৃত তথ্যের হালনাগাদ বিবরণ
List of
Designated Officers &
Alternative Designated Officers of TIB & CCC areas