TIB believes that no anti-corruption movement can be successful without active media support. Besides its own role as an anti-corruption watchdog institution, media provides a highly important supportive role to TIB’s anti-corruption efforts. Both print and electronic media provide wide coverage of TIB’s work.TIB also makes use of the great influence of the media. Newspaper and Television Advertisements are put out carrying messages against corruption. TIB has launched a series of TV commercials.
In the fight against corruption, TIB considers media and journalists as one of the key stakeholders, especially media’s crucial role in informing public and presenting both sides of the news items. TIB believes that an independent media contributes significantly in influencing citizens on anti-corruption and governance issues which in turn create pressure upon the government to initiate necessary reforms of policies and applications.. TIB’s capacity building initiative on investigative journalism sustained to increase knowledge of journalists with timely and advanced investigative techniques to apply during the new age of media to unearth different types of corruption and irregularities.
TIB frequently organizes dialogues, roundtable on media issues. In addition, TIB also organizes Investigative Journalism Awards and Fellowship, Trainings for Journalists for both national and local journalists including sector-specific different issues.