The Revised Draft Data Protection Act (DPA) 2023 Review and recommendations in light of submissions on the earlier version

Published: 20 September 2023

In this era of ubiquitous use of the internet and digital platforms, nearly all human activities occur online, making extensive use of personal data. This makes personal data a key driving force in the digital realm. This digital landscape makes life easier, faster, prosperous, and more innovative but poses tremendous challenges to privacy, particularly protecting the right to personal data privacy. It is commendable that following the global trend, Bangladesh is working towards creating a legal framework for personal data protection by adopting a personal data protection law. Multiple rounds of drafting of a Personal Data Protection Act (DPA) have taken place with a reasonable degree of participation of stakeholders.

Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has been participating in the process by reviewing the successive drafts so far made publicly available. TIB deeply appreciates that some of its recommendations on earlier versions were positively considered. In continuation of the process, TIB submits the following reviews and recommendations on the latest draft of DPA 2023. For convenience, references have been made to the extent to which this latest version represents consideration of TIB’s earlier reviews and recommendations.