The Forthcoming Programme of TI- Bangladesh, 31 January 1997

The Forthcoming Programme of TI- Bangladesh , 31 January 1997

TI-B has taken up a ten-point programme which would include the following:

A series of studies on specific aspects of corruption which will enable TI-B to effectively pursue its advocacy role. These studies would include:

(i) Anti-corruption laws and their application;

(ii) Corruption in banking;

(iii) The propogation of the 'Island of Integrity' concept; and

(iv) Ways and Means to improve the efficiency of the Auditor General's Office.

Debate and Essay Competition

Awareness building is the key to future success, and TI-B would want to start with the involvement of the generation which will shape the future. An essay competition and a debate will be announced soon in the national dailies in which the school children would be invited to participate. The topics will be covering aspects of national and local corrupt practice.

Brainstorming Sessions

TI-B, in recognition of the fact that coalition building is a basic tenet of TI's philosophy, will organise a number of sessions involving the civil society of Bangladesh. the main objective of these brainstorming sessions will be identify the main areas of concern where TI-B then concentrate its resources. TI-B is keen to know from the professionals, the business community, the non-governmental organisations working the poor, and the ordinary men and women the mechanism of corruption, the environment in which it flourishes, and the gainers and losers.

Press Release