End of 'National Integrity Programme' and Starting of 'Making Waves'

End of 'National Integrity Programme' and Starting of 'Making Waves'

TIB has finished its first phase of the National Integrity Programme (NIP) and has started the second phase of NIP- 'Making Waves' for five years from 1st of January, 2003. The goal of the project is more accountable governance in Bangladesh at all levels to be achieved through greater transparency in public non-profit and private sector transactions, and leading to sustainable poverty reduction. The purpose of the project is to increase demand by men and women for transparency in public, non-profit and private sector transactions. In the Making Waves project TIB proposes:

(i) to establish further Committees of Concerned Citizens (CCCs)- community watchdogs focusing on service delivery by public, private and non-government sectors, with the aim of making people at grass-roots level more alert, aware and vocal about corruption

(ii) to establish local TIB offices each supporting a cluster of CCCs with training and other guidance, and providing public information

(iii) to establish a research programme to look into the nature, causes and consequences of corruption in Bangladesh, and

(iv) to engage in advocacy and campaigning based on the outputs of the research programme and on the methodologies used by the CCCs, and their findings.

Press Release