Press Release
Bangladesh Law Minister calls for a transparent, inclusive and effective ReviewMechanism of the UN Convention against Corruption
Doha, Qatar, November 9, 2009: Barrister Shafique Ahmed, Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs of the Government of Bangladesh called for a transparent, inclusive and effective Review Mechanism for the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption(UNCAC). Addressing the opening session of the Conference of States Parties to UNCAC, Barrister Ahmed, who is heading the Bangladesh delegation to the Conference also said that Bangladesh supported the participation of all stakeholders including the civil society. The Minister also said that proposed Review Mechanism should have provisions for disclosure of reports on implementation which will ensure higher levels of transparency and accountability of the States Parties.
Welcoming the Minister's position on the Review Mechanism Dr. Iftekharuzzaman, Executive Director of Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), who is attending the Conference as a civil society participant, said that it was very encouraging that Bangladesh took such a positive and proactive stance to be accountable and to engage stakeholders beyond the Government. Bangladesh's capacity to actually deliver on implementing the UNCAC and to allow a transparent, inclusive and effective Review Mechanism to monitor the same would go a long way in meeting the election pledges of the government, voted to power with unprecedented public mandate mainly on an anti-corruption platform, he said.
Consideration of an effective Review Mechanism is one of key agenda items of this important UN Conference being held in Doha, Qatar. Mostof the participating States Parties are in favour of an effective review mechanism, whileintensive negotiations and diplomatic efforts are going on to persuade some other Governments who are lagging behind in fully committing to the basic principles of openness, public participation and scrutiny in this regard.
The UNCAC came into force in December 2005, and Bangladesh became a State Party to it in February 2007. The Minister in his speech described several steps taken by the Government to control corruption. These include the amended Representation of People's Order designed to ensure free, fair and transparent elections,and adoption of the Right to Information Act 2009.
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