Published: 13 January 2025
Aiming to empower citizens for preventing corruption, Committees of Concerned Citizens (CCCs) organized information fairs at their respective areas with the collaboration of the local District or Upazila Administrations. Government and Non-Government Organizations installed booths and disseminated their service related information among the visitors of these fairs.
Few government institutions participated in the public hearings and responded citizens’ questions and addressed various issues at the fairs. Youth Engagement and Support (YES) Group members of the CCCs oriented visitors on the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2009 and assisted to apply for information according to the act. A total of 18 Information Fairs was organized in December 2024 at 18 CCC areas. A brief of these information fairs is mentioned below:
Bogura (02 & 03 December 2024): About five thousand citizens learned about the services of government and non-government institutions while visiting the information fair. 927 citizens became oriented on how to fill out the application for information according to the Right to Information Act, 2009 with the support of the YES members. More than seven hundred citizens applied for information at the stalls set up by 30 government and non-government institutions and received information. A total of 357 applications were filled by 250 citizens in the fair.
A quiz competition on the RTI Act was organized at the fair where 647 citizens participated. A public hearing was held at the information fair where District Police Super Office, Regional Passport Office, Civil Surgeon Office, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority Office, District Primary Education Officer, and District Education Office participated and responded to the issues and concerns raised by citizens.
Chapainawabganj (02 & 03 December 2024): Chapainawabganj District Administration and the CCC jointly organized the two-day information fair at Chapainawabganj Mancha on the Deputy Commissioner's Office premises to create public awareness on the Right to Information Act, avoid the culture of privacy and inspire the youth in anti-corruption social movement.
In the inaugural session of the discussion titled 'Free flow of information and self-disclosure of information to prevent corruption', speakers said that it is possible to prevent corruption if the culture of free flow of information and self-disclosure of information can be introduced. And for this, the goodwill and sincerity of the authorities are needed.
The discussion meeting was followed by a public hearing on land, health and agricultural services. Civil Surgeon Dr. SM Mahmudur Rashid, Superintendent of 250-bed Sadar Hospital Dr. Masud Pavez, Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture Extension Dr. Palash Sarker, Assistant Commissioner (Land) of Chapainawabganj Sadar Upazila Anjuman Sultana, and District Registrar Afsana Begum were present as panel respondents at the public hearing.
In response to the questions of the service recipients during the question-answer session of the public hearing, the authorities pledged to take all necessary measures to improve the quality of services. In the fair, YES members provided orientation among the visitors to fill up the application form for getting information as per the Right to Information Act, 2009 and different offices distributed leaflets and stickers related to their services.
Jashore (04 & 05 December 2024): The Information fair started with a human rally over and done with the city's important streets to fair premises to mark the program significant. Deputy Commissioner Mr. Azaharul Islam inaugurated the two daylong fair at Jashore Town Hall.
In a discussion meeting, being the chief guest, the Executive Officer of the District Council Mr. Asaduzzaman said, If information is open, the information providers will be benefited most. Because RTI reduces confusion. 20 government institutions set up stalls to inform the public about the activities of their respective departments. The fair covered not just information dissemination but also public hearings, fire service and civil defense firefighting rehearsal, quiz competitions, an anti-corruption signature campaign, and cultural programs which made the event more vibrant.
Gazipur (08 & 09 December 2024): CCC, Gazipur organized a two daylong information fair with the collaboration of the District Administration which was inaugurated by the respective Deputy Commissioner Nafisa Arefin.
A total of 33 government and non-government institutions set up booths and disseminated service related information among the visitors. A total of 1500 citizens became oriented about the RTI Act, 2009. Among them, 570 persons submitted applications for information and 459 received information in the fair. The Deputy Commissioner thanked CCC, Gazipur for its joint initiative with the local administration to popularize the Right to Information Act, 2009.
A public hearing was held at the fair premises where the land office, secondary education office, and health authorities participated and responded to the issues and concerns raised by visitors of the fair. CCC, Gazipur organized anti-corruption cartoon exhibition at the information fair.
Natore (09 & 10 December 2024): Promoting the theme “New Bangladesh – Invincible youth will resist corruption,” CCC, Natore organized a daylong information fair in collaboration with the Natore District Administration at the Kanaikhali Stadium, Natore. The Deputy Commissioner of Natore Ms. Asma Shahin inaugurated the fair as the chief guest.
A total of 43 government and non-government institutions participated in the fair and disseminated their service-related information among the visitors. In a discussion meeting of the fair, among others, the Deputy Commissioner delivered the speech as chief guest and the Director of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Rajshahi Mr. Tanvir Ahmed delivered a speech as special guest. Speakers at the discussion asked the respective authorities to ensure proactive disclosure of service-related information. A total of 550 citizens became oriented about the RTI Act, 2009. Among them, 306 persons submitted applications for information in the fair.
Dinajpur (09 & 10 December 2024): The Deputy Commissioner of Dinajpur Md. Rafiqul Islam asked citizens to use the Right to Information Act as a tool to fight against corruption. He urged authorities to cooperate with citizens while anyone applies for information. He was delivering speech as chief guest while inaugurating the two daylong information fair in Dinajpur.
Six authorities including the Upazila Land Office, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA), Regional Passport Office, District Education Office, District Social Service Office and 250 Bedded General Hospital, Dinajpur participated in an opinion-sharing meeting in which citizens raised different issues. Respective authorities addressed the issues and thanked citizens for sharing the opinion to improve the quality of services. A total of 33 institutions installed booths in the fair and disseminated information among the visitors.
Kurigram (09 & 10 December 2024): CCC, Kurigram organized a two daylong information fair in collaboration with the District Administration at the Sadhinotar Bijoystambha in Kurigram where 31 institutions participated and disseminated their service related information.
The Deputy Commissioner of Kurigram Ms. Nusrat Sultana inaugurated the fair as the chief guest. The Deputy Commissioner asked authorities to ensure the free flow of information according to the RTI Act.
A discussion meeting was held at the fair on the importance of information to fight against corruption. A total of 151 persons applied for information in the fair following the RTI Act and 106 persons received their expected information. Regional Passport Office, BRTA, Kurigram General Hospital, Land Office and Primary Education Office took part in a session where ordinary citizens shared their experiences and opinions to improve the quality of services.
Lalmonirhat (09 & 10 December 2024): Lalmonirhat District Administration and CCC, Lalmonirhat jointly organized the two-day information fair at the Freedom Fighters' Memorial premises in the town. At the inauguration ceremony, Acting Deputy Commissioner and Deputy Director of Local Government Affairs Md. Rajib Ahsan said, 'Self-motivated disclosure of information of all organizations will be an act to prevent corruption. Because of various limitations, ordinary people cannot collect information online.
This information fair has been organized to provide all the information that the public has the right to know.’ A total of 27 government institutions provided information among the visitors at the fair. At the initiative of YES Group, visitors were taught to understand about the Right to Information Act and to fill out the application form for obtaining information manually.
The two daylong programme includes anti-corruption debate competition, quiz competition and a question and answer session with government service providers. A total of 296 citizens became oriented about the RTI Act, 2009. Among them, 265 persons submitted applications for information and 172 received information in the fair.
Nilphamari (09 & 10 December 2024): A two-day information fair was held in Nilphamari with various programs aimed at creating public awareness about the Right to Information Act, 2009 and upholding people's right to information. Nilphamari District Administration and CCC, Nilphamari jointly organized the fair on the premises of Shaheed Minar.
A total of 42 government and non-government institutions provided information among the visitors in the fair. On the second day of the fair, representatives of different service providers presented their service-related issues and answered various questions from the citizens present. An art competition was held with the participation of children and teenagers. Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Nayiruzzaman distributed prizes among the winners of different competitions as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of the fair. Anti-Corruption Signature Campaign was organized at the fair premises.
Jhenaidah (09 & 10 December 2024): Aiming to mark the anti-corruption day with the theme "New Bangladesh - Invincible youth will resist corruption”, the CCC and the District Administration jointly organized the Information Fair at Jhenaidah.
A total of 28 government and non-government institutions took part in the information fair and disseminated service-related information to the citizens. One of the important parts of this event was the speeches by guests and open discussion with citizens. Speakers at the event shed light on the discussion that getting the proper information is people's right. Also, access to information ensures human rights and controls corruption. So the speakers invited every institution to be more careful while disseminating information to the citizens.
The fair covered not just information dissemination but also public hearings, open discussion, quiz competitions, an anti-corruption public signature campaign, a documentary show on RTI and cultural programs.
Jhalakati (09 & 10 December 2024): To demand transparency and accountability by creating awareness of the RTI Act 2009, the Information Fair 2024 was organized by the CCC and District Administration of Jhalakati. The fair provided information about various services to over a thousand community people through 36 stalls of government and non-government organizations.
The discussants focusing on the rights of information said, accessibility of information is essential to build inclusive institutions at all levels of the state. So it’s the public right to seek information and to provide information to the public is the responsibility of government and private institutions, they also added. Besides the momentous approach of the fair, a quiz competition, anti-corruption signature campaign, cartoon exhibition, public hearings, debate competition, photo frame, prize-giving ceremony and cultural program made the fair remarkable.
Satkhira (10 & 11 December 2024): A two daylong Information Fair was held at Shaheed Abdur Razzak Park in Satkhira organized by CCC, Satkhira in collaboration with Satkhira District Administration. The main attraction of the fair was to provide information by different government and non-government institutions to the participating community people.
The event also covered open discussion, orientation on the RTI Act 2009, anti-corruption quiz and drawing competition, open discussion, an institutional databases presentation, and cultural program. A public hearing was held at the fair where the Passport office, Education Office and Surjer Hasi Clinic & Agrogoti Songstha responded to different issues raised by citizens. 20 government and 6 non-government institutions participated in the fair.
Rajbari (10 & 11 December 2024): A total of 6024 citizens learned about the services of government and non-government institutions while visiting the information fair organized by the CCC, Rajbari in collaboration with the District Administration. Besides this, 460 citizens applied for information in the fair and among them, 435 citizens received information according to the RTI Act, 2009.
Citizens became oriented on how to fill up the application for information according to the Right to Information Act, 2009 with the support of the YES members. The Deputy Commissioner of Rajbari Mohammad Zahidul Islam Mia inaugurated the fair where 30 institutions participated and disseminated information among the visitors. A discussion meeting was held at the fair.
Patuakhali (11 & 12 December 2024): In line with the theme ‘Right to Information is the pre-commitment of Good Governance,’ the Patuakhali District Administration and CCC, Patuakhali jointly organized a two-day information fair at Patuakhali DC Square.
A total of 42 government and non-government institutions took part in the information fair and disseminated service-related information to the citizens. Debate competitions and Quiz competitions were organized at this fair. The unique part of this fair was to present the service-related details information publicly through a multimedia projector by the service providers. The speakers at the discussion agreed that this kind of fair acts as a bridge between the service provider and the service recipient and set the tone to continue this fair repeatedly and ensure the presence of all government institutions in the future.
Brahmanbaria (12 December 2024): From side to side stunning and colorful arrangements, a day-long Information Fair was organized by CCC Brahmanbaria and District Administration. A total of 30 institutions participated in the fair and disseminated their service-related information.
The inaugural speech was delivered by the Additional Deputy Commissioner Md. Saiful Islam emphasized increasing public awareness. He said, ‘the government passed a law considering the importance of the right to information. The RTI Act is very important in delivering services to the doorsteps of the common people’. The fair and other events were accomplished by the Youth Engagement & Support (YES) members, who initiated helping citizens understand their rights, fill out application forms, and organized a quiz competition.
The CCC made an extra effort to make the fair remarkable and mobilized the community by organizing an anti-corruption signature campaign, cartoon exhibition, debate competition, discussion on civic thinking, public hearing of different government institutions and an open discussion with citizens.
Munshiganj (17 December 2024): Munshiganj District Administration and CCC, Munshiganj jointly organized an information fair at District Shilpakala Academy premises in Munshiganj. Additional Deputy Commissioner (Education and ICT) Sharif Ullah inaugurated the daylong information fair.
Citizens of different corners received ideas and necessary information services about the RTI Act 2009 from the government and non-government offices providing services at the district and upazila level in Munshiganj. Referring to the importance of self-motivated disclosure of information in the implementation of the Right to Information Act, speakers urged the officials of the participating departments to provide information to the citizens. They urged all to disclose information voluntarily and implement the Right to Information Act leaving aside the culture of confidentiality of information.
More than 300 citizens participated in the public hearing on various services of the passport office at the fair. Md. Kamal Hossain Bhuiyan, Deputy Director of Munshiganj Regional Passport Office answered all their questions. About four hundred students participated in the anti-corruption quiz on the right to information. During the fair, the members of YES Group provided assistance to the visitors to fill up the application form and get information.
Rajshahi (18 & 19 December 2024): CCC, Rajshahi organized a two daylong Information Fair in collaboration with the District Administration at the field of Rajshahi College, which was inaugurated by the Commissioner of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police Mohammad Abu Sufian.
In a discussion meeting at the information fair premises, the RMP Commissioner said that everyone has a right to information. There is an officer in charge of providing information in every organization. But, in reality, they are not available by phone. Citizens' rights must be valued. Our responsibility is to ensure the free flow of information. He also welcomed the implementation of the Right to Information Act and the initiative to get information through such fairs. A total of 41 government and non-government institutions disseminated information about their services among the visitors.
Rangpur (22 & 23 December 2024): Rangpur District Administration and CCC, Rangpur jointly organized the fair on the premises of Rangpur Public Library which was inaugurated by the Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Rabiul Faisal. At that time, the senior officials of the district visited the stalls and urged all the organizations to ensure the publication and dissemination of all necessary information on their own. Speaking as the chief guest, Deputy Commissioner asked all government and non-government offices to pay attention so that there is no harassment in providing information. He urged all the government offices of the districts to keep their websites updated so that people can easily get all the information from the website before asking for it. He said, corruption will be reduced through increasing institutional transparency and accountability if people know about the services of government institutions.
A public hearing was held at the fair where District Education Office, District Primary Education Office, Rangpur Metropolitan Police, Civil Surgeon's Office, Upazila Land Office, Divisional Passport and Visa Office, BRTA, and National Consumer and Protection Department participated. The Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Rabiul Faisal gave necessary instructions to the concerned departments in the light of various questions of the people present at the public hearing.
At the fair, 35 stalls of government and non-government organizations provided information and advisory services to the general people. Members of the YES group provided services to fill the application form for obtaining information manually. Besides, quiz competition on the Right to Information and anti-corruption debate competition and cultural function was held at the fair.